
Leo Carrillo Beach Store

We got what you what you need.

Located in the center of the campground is our camp store, owned and operated for 25+ years by a group of friendly locals from the area.  Whether you forgot an all important camping essential, need a quick meal to refuel from a long day of surfing, or are looking to stock up on brand new Secos Brand gear, at the Leo Carrillo Beach Store, we should have in stock for your convenience, and if we don't... you don't need it!

Address for the store is 35000 W. PCH, Malibu CA 90265.  Once inside the park, you can access the store by following the middle road halfway into the campground.  Come say Hi!

Leo Carrillo State Park

Leo Carrillo State Park is located in Malibu, California.  Pacific Coast Highway crosses through and gives access to the park.  The park is centered around the end of the Arroyo Sequit creek that exits adjacent to Mulholland Highway.  A beautiful and cozy campground is tucked up the canyon with large sycamore trees.  The main attraction of the park is the stunning 1 and a half miles of unique beaches and coastline that harbors activities for any type of beach go-er.  Tide pools and caves can be accessed on low tides, hiking with stunning views both on the coast and immediately inland, as well as most types of aquatic activities.

The beaches and campgrounds are patrolled regularly by State Park Lifeguards and Rangers.  Children's educations programs are located in certain parts of the park seasonally, such as the Junior Lifeguard Program as well as the Junior Rangers Program.  Much more information can be obtained at the Visitor Center in the South Beach Parking lot.